My Pages


Click on this photo to make your own Periodic Table title!!

Web-cameras in the classroom

1.  Skype in the classroom

  • Click here and follow the instructions to install
  • Click here once you have set up an account and find people to Skype with!
    • Skype with another class (Great for second languages or immersion language practice, learning about world view and other cultures, sharing projects and ideas etc.)
    • Skype Collections - Skype lessons organized into a variety of subjects.  Also see the Skype Lessons section to search
    • Mystery Skype - Two classes Skype and the aim of the game is to guess the location of the other classroom by asking each other questions. 
    • Skype with a guest speaker - See the SITC website and search away!
    • Take a virtual field trip - Find a lesson where they walk you through another part of the world!
    • My Skype username is MmeMerriman so find me!

2.  Google Hangouts

3.  Other ideas

4.  Tips
  • Here are a few things to ask when you email guest speakers or other classes before you Skype:
    • Set up a time but don't forget your respective time zones.
    • Do a practice Skype a day or two ahead of time to work out any technical glitches
    • Prepare your class about the topic and make a list of questions to ask.   I create a Google Doc and share it with my students and the guest speaker.
  • Turn off your microphone when the other person is talking.  The background noise from your class will slow down your bandwidth and reduce your resolution.


Keep Calm and Embrace Technology
Skype In the Classroom
    • See above
    • Find me!  MmeMerriman

Make your own QR Code

  • Use this site to generate your own QR code to share websites
  • Share with your students or for a mobile web-quest
  • Perfect for sharing your teacher page or blog with students and parents
Using iPads, apps, and more!

Poll Everywhere

Other Educational Technologies

Keep Calm and Teach with Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. In addition to using AirServer in a classroom to mirror an iOS device onto a Smartboard, you can also use Reflector 2. Reflector 2 runs on a Mac or Windows computer and is compatible with iOS, Android and Chromebook devices. You can mirror and record multiple devices at once, password protect your classroom with iOS devices, emphasize a device depending on what students are working on, and even customize the app to fit your individual classroom needs. Recording is great if you have a flipped or blended learning environment, as you can record a demonstration or tutorial with the voice-over recording, save it to your computer as an Mp4 file and have your students watch it on their own.
