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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Space Fan Girl

Mr. Morin has a friend who owns the local BPs who went to see Chris Hadfield play at a concert earler this year.  He caught this pick that Chris tossed into the crowed and Mario convinced him to give it to him for me.  So awesome!  MERCI!!

This is a photo that my friend Greta had taken with Chris Hadfiled.  Her and I taught together in Monterrey, Mexico in over ten years ago.  She recognized Chris from my posts and had a conversation with him.  Here is what she said:
"Hi Amanda!
How are you doing darling? I know it's been ages, but I hope you're doing wonderful :)
Today I met Commander Chris Hadfield on one my flights. He is an incredibly nice person in real life as well. I told him I knew a teacher in Edmonton who's a huge fan, and he knew exactly who I was talking about! He said something along the lines
"It's teachers like Amanda who help turn kids into great people."
I thought I'd share this with you and hope it makes your day 
Big hug to you and yours! xoxo"

Chris and Greta

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I love that he knew who she was talking about lol!!
