My Pages

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Space Fan Girl

Mr. Morin has a friend who owns the local BPs who went to see Chris Hadfield play at a concert earler this year.  He caught this pick that Chris tossed into the crowed and Mario convinced him to give it to him for me.  So awesome!  MERCI!!

This is a photo that my friend Greta had taken with Chris Hadfiled.  Her and I taught together in Monterrey, Mexico in over ten years ago.  She recognized Chris from my posts and had a conversation with him.  Here is what she said:
"Hi Amanda!
How are you doing darling? I know it's been ages, but I hope you're doing wonderful :)
Today I met Commander Chris Hadfield on one my flights. He is an incredibly nice person in real life as well. I told him I knew a teacher in Edmonton who's a huge fan, and he knew exactly who I was talking about! He said something along the lines
"It's teachers like Amanda who help turn kids into great people."
I thought I'd share this with you and hope it makes your day 
Big hug to you and yours! xoxo"

Chris and Greta

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


1.  Labos virtuelles des fossiles
     Virtual fossil labs
2.  Movies/Filmes

3.  Faisons les quatre types de fossiles!
     Let's make the four types of fossils!

See the lesson here

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Les volcans / Volcanoes

Today we learnt all about Volcanoes.  I did this simple demonstration to illustrate volcano formation.  See here for an amazing animation and detailed explanation.

Top - Extrusive igneous rock (pumice) from Mt. St. Helen
Middle - Volcano formation demo
Bottom - Ashes from Mt. St. Helen
Vous devez connaître ces termes
Mt Olympe sur Mars

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Goodbye Space Oddity. Hello #YEGHAPPY!

Today is the last day that Space Oddity by Chris Hadfiled is available on YouTube.  David Bowie gave him one year to rock this song and now it's time to say goodbye.  Or just watch it here.

Also this just made me laugh.  #YEGHAPPY with all of our friends at CTV, Astral Media, our local and provincial government, and a few other local celebrities dancing and being HAPPY!  Click on the photo to play the video.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Dream big!

I love this video so much.  It is the essence of my heart as a teacher.  I am so lucky!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Labos du cycle des roches / Rock Cycle Labs

This blog post is posted both in English (in black) and in French (in blue).

Cette semaine en sciences 7, nous apprenons le cycle des roches grâce à une variété de stations. Voir aussi ci-dessous pour d'autres liens de leçons précédentes.
Enseignants cliquez ICI pour télécharger la partie écrite de laboratoire et autres ressources

This week in Science 7 we will be learning about the rock cycle through a variety of stations.   Also see below for other links from previous lessons.
Teachers click HERE to download the written part of the lab and other resources

Station 1 - Jeu de cycle des roches - Rock Cycle Dice Game

(Click here for photos, instructions, and printables)

Station 2 - Cycles de roches sucre - Jelly Bean Rock Cycle

(Click here for instructions and more)
Click here to enlarge and draw me!!

Station 3 - Classification des RochesClassifying Rocks
J'ai une boîte de roches et je ne sais pas lesquels sont ignées, sédimentaires ou métamorphiques. S'il vous plaît aidez-moi à les trier! 
I have a box of rocks and have no idea which ones are igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.  Please help me sort them out!
Use this website to help learn to identify different types of rocks.
click on image to enlarge

Station 4 - Roches Virtuelles - Virtual Rocks
Apprenez tout sur les roches, le cycle des roches et plus!
Learn all about rocks, the rock cycle and more!

Look Up

In ELA we are learning about the 6 traits of writing, including "voice".  This poem is an amazing example of strong voice evoking emotion and self-reflection.  It also fits well with last month's poetry and literacy month.  Enjoy. Love "smart phones but dumb people".

Mineral Lab

Today we learnt about how to identify minerals.  See more here.  


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rock Cycle and Space

Space Rocks!
We are learning about the Earth and specifically about rocks and minerals this week.  Almost everything we learn in science can be linked to space and the amazing innovations aboard the ISS.  Our very own Canadian astronaut, Jeremy Hansen, is learning about geology to prepare himself for future endeavors.  See HERE for more details.
CSA Astronaut Jeremy Hansen Performs Geology Field Training From July 16 to 25, 2013
Jeremy Hansen apprendre la géologie en l'artique
pour futures missions spatiales.

Les roches fantastiques!

Voici une copie du résumé du thème 2 que nous avons fait en classe aujourd'hui.

Labos - TBA

  • Faire des roches avec des bonbons ICI
  • Jeu de roches ICI

Les filmes aussi!
Rock Cycle Song