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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Exploring Trees

Sometimes you just have to go with it and get outside!  I was inspired by the beautiful morning and decided to change our lesson to go and explore the trees in our school yard.  Last week I had the kids learn a dichotomous tree identification key for a few tree samples I had collected.  I told them to bring them home to go and explore the woods and their neighborhoods this summer.  So I took my own advice and we had a beautiful morning outside.

Inside Education has some great resources on forestry and tree identification.  
And I JUST found this video about forestry EN FRANCAIS!!
Grade 4 selfie!!
Touch the tree!  See the waxy side of the leaf and how it changes colour as it trembles in the wind?
Un tremble.  Oui!  Science!

And then a bit of Bill Nye The Science Guy always makes my day awesome!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Water Quality

Today we were able to bring a water sample from a local pond to class to study for our water quality lesson as part of our aquatics unit. Earlier this morning I tromped out to a local pond near our school and almost lost my rubber boots collecting a sample of water for the class.  (It totally would have been worth it! #SCIENCE).

We used the The Alberta Lake Management Society water quality testing kits for AWQA Day (Alberta Water Quality Awareness). They are these efficient kits used to test temperature, turbidity (clarity), dissolved oxygen and pH of water samples. Results are submitted across the province and compared over time to observe results.

Using our AWQA Day kits
The pond, recording results, and checking out some critters under the microscope
We studied our sample and compared them to tap water and our classroom aquarium water. The results were interesting and sparked very good conversations about the possible reasons why. It was a great teachable moment to notice that many of the results were not even close to what they had anticipated.  
Aquarium Water
Tap Water
Pond Water
We were also joined by a delegation of educators from China where Mr. Kierstead had visited earlier this year. We were able to show them what we had been studying today as well as the robotics projects a few of the kids had been working on during options. I am very proud of how well the students represented our school and our country.