My Pages
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Does light travel in a straight line?
Today my grade 4 class learnt all about light and that it travels in a straight line. It was very interesting to watch them to explore with light and figure out that even though light disperses it still continues through in a straight line. They are really getting good at scientific journal writing as well. I am one proud science teacher. Awesome!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Story robes
Our kids learnt all about traditional First Nations story telling and legends as well as symbolism and story robes through a lesson you can read about more online here.
The process:
Picking a story, finding and creating symbols, writing them on a robe, colouring them and antiquing them with tea. Beautiful.
Here are the finished results:
Here are some close ups and the legends that go with them found here:
The process:
Picking a story, finding and creating symbols, writing them on a robe, colouring them and antiquing them with tea. Beautiful.
Here are the finished results:
Here are some close ups and the legends that go with them found here:
Peyton - Makoyoohsokoyi (The Wolf Trail)
Mme Merriman - Ksiistsikomm (Thunder)
Taya - Napi and the Black Birch
Julianna - Makoyoohsokoyi (The Wolf Trail)
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Exploring surface area
Use the following links to learn all about surface area
Area and perimeter
Games and lessons
Area and perimeter
Games and lessons
Math interactives
Monday, January 12, 2015
Légendes Traditionnelles
Cliquez ici pour renseigner sur les robes de contes ou ICI AUSSI
Cliquez ici pour trouver une des légendes traditionnelles
Nous enseignons notre histoire et notre culture aux enfants grâce à nos légendes. Beaucoup de ces légendes sont très anciennes et elles expliquent comment les esprits des plantes et des animaux nous ont aidés à survivre. Ces légendes nous transmettent d'importants messages qui portent sur la façon dont nous, les Nitsitapii, devons agir. Elles nous apprennent aussi les conséquences entraînées par une désobéissance. Nos grand-mères nous content ces légendes pendant la soirée, quand nous sommes calmes et capables d'en comprendre les messages.