My Pages

Friday, October 31, 2014

Los dias de los muertos

We had a wonderful time celebrating day of the dead in my Spanish class.  We made papel picado, margaritas, and even a few kids with sugar skull makeovers!

Getting gory on Halloween!

As part of our Cells and Systems unit my students had the gruesome opportunity to dissect pig hearts and a tongue.  I seriously love their faces.  As much as they thought it was gross they were also fascinated.


We had a wonderfully spooky Halloween here at ECES.  First was the family dance and the following week was our class Halloween party.  It was a blast!

ECES Family Halloween Dance

ECES Halloween parade and 4F class party

Most of the teachers dressed up as Mr. Kierstead!  

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cell project

My fabulous grade 8 kids have been working hard on their 3D cell project.  I am so proud of their work I have had it displayed in the front display case in the foyer of the school.  Come and check it out sometime!

Pour les professeurs de sciences en français se il vous plaît cliquer ici pour obtenir le plan de projet.

Owl Pellets

The grade 7s learnt all about the food chain by dissecting owl pellets.  See more about the science behind it and a fun video here.

They also have their work displayed in the front entrance of the school.  I'm very impressed with their work.  Come check it out!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Microscope and Cells Lab

Read this post on how to use microscopes!  Lissez ce poste sur l'usage des microscopes

REZULTATS ICI!!!  (results!)

Virtual Microscope!  Microscope Virtuel - WOW! - 

History of electronic microscopes - Histoire et les microscopes electroniques -
L'eau d'etang -

Cellules vitrtuels - Virtual Cells
Animations -
Virtuel - 

Animal Cells - Cellule Animaux (WOW!!) -
Plant Cells - Cellules vegetal -
Cell Rap -

Microscope Fun

We had a great time learning all about microscopes and cells this week.  Please see here for our other microscope introduction and here for the virtual labs and cell rap!

Here is a video taken with my camera through the microscope!  WOW!  If you look closely you can see the little organisms swimming around.

I put together 13 different stations for the kids to explore.  
Making a wet mount of the letter "e"
This was just for fun!
Looking at pond water on the TV microscope
Pond water under the microscope.  See them swim in the video above!
Looking at onion cells - little bricks!
Animal cells
Plant cells
My cell name and function matching activity.  
My virtual microscope and cells.  See the links above.
More plant and even bee cells!
My busy bees working away!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Regions de l'Alberta

Suivez les étapes pour faire une recherche des régions de l'Alberta

1.  Copiez le document "Les regions de l'Alberta"
  • ouvrez le document
  • cliquez sure "File"
  • cliques sur "make a copy"
  • sauver le document avec le noms de votre partenaire et régions dans la titre.
  • cliquez "share"
  • ajoute le nom de ton partenaire et Mme Merriman
2.  Utilisez CE LIEN pour voir un vidéo de ton région.

3.  Utilisez ton texte et remplissez votre copie du document.  

4.  Utilisez ces liens pour trouver d'autres informations:
5. Utilisez le Guide d’évaluation ICI pour vérifier ton présentation est complété. Donnez Mme le copie de votre guide d’évaluation quand vous avez terminé.

6.  Si vous avez du temps supplémentaire faire votre Mathletics

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Here fishy fishy fishyyyyyyyy!

I have some new additions to my class aquarium!  Three big fish to join my tetras and guppies!  I had the kids submit ideas for naming them and narrowed it down to my favorites.  For the blue fish I loved the idea or 'Marley' or 'Bob Marley' because he is a very high-strung fish that needs to take the advice "Don't worry, about a thing!  Every little things gonna be alright!" - Three little birds is our class song too.

What are YOU lookin' at??!
For the angelfish I liked either Deb and Flo (The angelfish from Finding Nemo that thinks it's reflection is it's sister) or Fiesta and Samba!  So I decided the smaller one will be Flo (and thus Deb) and the other will be Fiesta!  Flo and Fiesta!  Love it!

Salsa y salsa!

My Spanish class had a great time this September.  We learnt a little bit of salsa dancing and made our own pico de gallo salsa and guacamole!  Here is the recipe!

We also watched a few movies about salsa dancing.